Fall Seed Starting Workshop
Lowcountry Fall Seed Starting Workshop
This past week we kicked off our fall gardens with a Seed Starting Workshop (Harvest & Bloom’s first one EVER!!). The class was such a hit, and I am so grateful for my supportive friends! We had a blast going over our southern gardening schedule, the plants that work best for our “warm season” gardens, how to plant in seed trays, and how to plant each different seed. Of course there was a charcuterie and wine to make the night even more fun!
Before becoming a garden coach, I had always been taught that you plant your garden around Mother’s Day (up in the northeast), and as the temps start to drop in the fall, that’s it for the year! Then you wait for Spring to replant. Boy, was I so wrong! Not only can you garden all year (no matter where you are!) but living in our southern area of Bluffton, SC means an even longer “warm” growing season, and more opportunities to grow a wide variety of vegetables and herbs as we wait for cooler temps! Fall in the Lowcountry is actually Spring Round 2! Think it’s too late to grow your tomatoes and cucumbers? Think again! Now is the time to get planting on things you may have missed in the spring, or maybe something that has reached maturity and is ready for a fresh start.
At our workshop last week, we planted everything from Hot Peppers, Beans, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Butternut Squash, and herbs, to even starting our Broccoli and Cauliflower so it’s ready to move outside in a couple months when the temperature drops a bit. We used an organic soil mixture for a healthy start, and let’s just say, these seedlings are so happy! Within 3 days we had tons of sprouts and the group all shared their photos, so proud of their new plant babies. It was such a fun night, so we’re already planning our next workshop! Fall Herb Planters, here we come!!